Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Writing Impressive College Entrance Essays

Writing Impressive College Entrance Essays More and more people are going to college these days right out of high school, so it goes without saying that making a stellar first impression is a necessity in order to stand out from the pack and get that coveted acceptance letter to your chosen university. With that in mind, writing an impressive college entrance essay that makes admissions personnel want to get to know you even better is the ideal way to get the attention you deserve.Write to impressWhether your entrance essay is an open-ended work or directed toward answering specific admissions questions, the key to drawing in the reader and making him or her want to know more is a compelling, honest view into your life and what makes you unique, including your history, accomplishments, strongest traits, interests, extracurricular activities and, of course, grades. Since there is typically a word-count limit to adhere to, the idea here is to give the reader an interesting taste in each of these areas without inundating them wi th information.The best way to do this is to write by example – from an intro that puts the reader right there next to you for one of your proudest or most challenging events in life to little nuggets of interest that demonstrate the positive traits you have and want to let shine. For example, instead of telling the reader all about yourself like so:My proudest moment in life thus far was winning first place in the USAA Gymnastics competition for mens trampoline. I worked for two years training in the event and really wanted to win badly.Showing the reader by taking them with you to the moment is more effective:As I stood in front of a crowded Anaheim stadium full of 30,000 people last July, my name echoed over the loudspeaker and a rush of accomplishment and pride ran through me when I heard, And in first place in mens trampoline, Scott Smith. The words were a culmination of two years of training at the gym – three hours a day on weekdays and five hours a day on weeke nds – for a goal I had set my sights on long before I had even had a drivers license.When a writer uses this second method – showing, not telling – they take the reader to the moment with them, much like a good fiction writer draws in his or her readers. Whether the reader is a gymnastics enthusiast or not, chances are they have experienced the same sort of emotions when accomplishing something, too – pride and the payoff of hard work – and will relate to what they are reading better than simply being told by a writer, Ive worked very hard for things and am proud of myself.The secret to showing, not telling, is to not show too much. No reader (especially busy admissions office personnel) has the desire or time to read two pages of every detail of the above gymnastic event. Therefore, your little tidbits should be just that – three to five sentences that give them a front-row seat at the event you describe. Of course, these all dont have to b e life-altering events like winning a gymnastics championship. Showing the reader by example how you have some positive personality traits is also a sure way to make your college entrance essay stand out. For instance, rather than telling the reader youre involved in volunteerism and church functions like so:I have participated in missions visits to third-world countries each summer since I was 12 with my churchs youth group.Showing the reader this would read something like:My summer vacations since I was 12 have been spent in an exciting variety of Central American countries where I worked on behalf of my churchs youth group at teaching young children in Costa Rican, Guatemalan and Nicaraguan jungle villages some basic reading and writing skills. Not only was this experience fulfilling, seeing the children write their names for the first time in their lives and start to read simple words, but one where I made cherished friendships and realized some vital professional goals for my f uture in a possible career in social work.The maturity, worldliness and ability to think outside of your high schools walls really shine through in this last paragraph. Showing how you have such positive characteristics by the things you have taken part in is a terrific way to demonstrate to a potential college that you have thought about more than just getting finished with your classes in high school. Other excellent, worldly traits to mention would be extensive travel (whether for work or pleasure), having numerous pen pals or connections to other countries (whether you were born in Korea or have extensive family in Greece) or even places you hope to visit one day and compelling reasons why (i.e., not just because they sound cool).Making the best of gradesOf course, a college entrance essay wouldnt be complete without some mention of your high school grades, accomplishments and activities. Since not everyone is valedictorian or has a year of college already finished when they gra duate from high school, it really depends on a writers own grades whether to mention them a lot or not. If you were an A+ student in high school, of course that should be mentioned and touted; if you barely got by with Cs in most of your classes, play up the classes you did do well in or enjoyed most, and make little or no mention of the ones you didnt quite ace.Contrary to popular belief, getting into college is not all about having a 4.8 GPA and being a National Honor Society contender. Of course, if youre trying to get into Harvard or other Ivy League institutions out there with straight Bs, you better have some outstanding stories of your other accomplishments in and out of school to impress them. But an average state university does put significant stock these days in the uniqueness of their students with less than perfect grades.All the more reason to make sure your essay and the parts of your life you use in it to describe yourself make you stand out and get noticed. Your col lege entrance essay does not have to be a boring, form essay listing every trait you think a school wants you to have. Being yourself – and showing a college who that is with intimate, engaging stories – can make the difference between an essay that piques admissions interest or one that gets thrown into the growing pile of mediocre applicants.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall

All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. Its purpose was to keep disaffected East Germans from fleeing to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation. For 28 years, the Berlin Wall had been a symbol of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain between Soviet-led Communism and the democracies of the West. When it fell, it was celebrated around the world. A Divided Germany and Berlin At the end of World War II, the Allied powers divided conquered Germany into four zones. As agreed at the  Potsdam Conference, each was occupied by either the United States, Great Britain, France, or the Soviet Union. The same was done in Germanys capital city, Berlin.   The relationship between the Soviet Union and the other three Allied powers quickly disintegrated. As a result, the cooperative atmosphere of the occupation of Germany turned competitive and aggressive. One of the best-known incidents was the Berlin Blockade in June of 1948  during which the Soviet Union stopped all supplies from reaching West Berlin. Although an eventual reunification of Germany had been intended, the new relationship between the Allied powers turned Germany into West versus East and democracy versus Communism. In 1949, this new organization of Germany became official when the three zones occupied by the United States, Great Britain, and France combined to form West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany, or FRG). The zone occupied by the Soviet Union quickly followed by forming East Germany (the German Democratic Republic, or GDR). This same division into West and East occurred in Berlin.  Since the city of Berlin had been situated entirely within the Soviet Zone of Occupation, West Berlin became an island of democracy within Communist East Germany. The Economic Differences Within a short period of time after the war, living conditions in West Germany and East Germany became distinctly different. With the help and support of its occupying powers, West Germany set up a capitalist society. The economy experienced such a rapid growth that it became known as the economic miracle. With hard work, individuals living in West Germany were able to live well, buy gadgets and appliances, and travel as they wished. Nearly the opposite was true in East Germany. The Soviet Union had viewed their zone as a spoil of war. They had pilfered factory equipment and other valuable assets from their zone and shipped them back to the Soviet Union. When East Germany became its own country in 1949, it was under the direct influence of the Soviet Union and a Communist society was established. The economy of East Germany dragged and individual freedoms were severely restricted. Mass EmigrationFrom the East Outside of Berlin, East Germany had been fortified in 1952. By the late 1950s, many people living in East Germany wanted out. No longer able to stand the repressive living conditions, they would head to West Berlin. Although some of them would be stopped on their way, hundreds of thousands made it across the border. Once across, these refugees were housed in warehouses and then flown to West Germany. Many of those who escaped were young, trained professionals. By the early 1960s, East Germany was rapidly losing both its labor force and its population. Between 1949 and 1961, its estimated that nearly 2.7 million people fled East Germany. The government was desperate to stop this mass exodus. The obvious leak was the easy access East Germans had to West Berlin. With the support of the Soviet Union, there had been several attempts to simply take over West Berlin. Although the Soviet Union even threatened the United States with the use of nuclear weapons over this issue, the United States and other Western countries were committed to defending West Berlin. Desperate to keep its citizens, East Germany knew that something needed to be done. Famously, two months before the Berlin Wall appeared, Walter Ulbricht, Head of the State Council of the GDR (1960–1973) said, Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten. These iconic words mean, No one intended to build a wall. After this statement, the exodus of East Germans only increased. Over those next two months of 1961, nearly 20,000 people fled to the West. The Berlin Wall Goes Up Rumors had spread that something might happen to tighten the border of East and West Berlin. No one was expecting the speed nor the absoluteness of the Berlin Wall. Just past midnight on the night of August 12-13, 1961, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin. While most Berliners were sleeping, these crews began tearing up streets that entered into West Berlin. They dug holes to put up concrete posts and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut and railroad lines were blocked. Soldiers closing off East Berlin with barbed wire fences. Keystone / Getty Images Berliners were shocked when they woke up that morning. What had once been a very fluid border was now rigid. No longer could East Berliners cross the border for operas, plays, soccer games, or any other activity. No longer could the approximately 60,000 commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying jobs. No longer could families, friends, and lovers cross the border to meet their loved ones.   Whichever side of the border one went to sleep on during the night of August 12, they were stuck on that side for decades. The Size and Scope of the Berlin Wall The total length of the Berlin Wall was 91 miles (155 kilometers). It can not only through the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting it off from the rest of East Germany. The wall itself went through four major transformations during its 28-year history. It started out as a barbed-wire fence with concrete posts. Just days later, on August 15, it was quickly replaced with a sturdier, more permanent structure. This one was made out of concrete blocks and topped with barbed wire. The first two versions of the wall were replaced by the third version in 1965. This consisted of a concrete wall supported by steel girders. The fourth version of the Berlin Wall, constructed from 1975 to 1980, was the most complicated and thorough. It consisted of concrete slabs reaching nearly 12-feet high (3.6 meters) and 4-feet wide (1.2 meters). It also had a smooth pipe running across the top to hinder people from scaling it. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there was a 300-foot No Mans Land and  an additional inner wall. Soldiers patrolled with dogs and a raked ground showed footprints. The East Germans also installed anti-vehicle trenches, electric fences, massive light systems, 302 watchtowers, 20 bunkers, and even minefields. Over the years, propaganda from the East German government would say that the people of East Germany welcomed the Wall. In reality, the oppression they suffered and the potential consequences they faced kept many from speaking out to the contrary. The Checkpoints of the Wall Although most of the border between East and West consisted of layers of preventative measures, there were little more than a handful of official openings along the Berlin Wall. These checkpoints were for the infrequent use of officials and others with special permission to cross the border. Checkpoint Charlie. Express / Getty Images The most famous of these was Checkpoint Charlie, located on the border between East and West Berlin at Friedrichstrasse. Checkpoint Charlie was the main access point for Allied personnel and Westerners to cross the border. Soon after the Berlin Wall was built, Checkpoint Charlie became an icon of the Cold War. It has frequently been featured in movies and books set during this time period. Escape Attempts and the Death Line The Berlin Wall did prevent the majority of East Germans from emigrating to the West, but it did not deter everyone. During the history of the Berlin Wall, it is estimated that about 5,000 people made it safely across. Soldiers investigating a tunnel dug beneath the Berlin wall. Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images Some early successful attempts were simple, like throwing a rope over the Berlin Wall and climbing up. Others were brash, like ramming a truck or bus into the Berlin Wall and making a run for it. Still, others were suicidal as some people jumped from the upper-story windows of apartment buildings that bordered the Berlin Wall.   Soldiers patrolling the Death Strip. KEENPRESS / Getty Images In September 1961, the windows of these buildings were boarded up and the sewers connecting East and West were shut off. Other buildings were torn down to clear space for what would become known as the Todeslinie, the Death Line or Death Strip. This open area allowed a direct line of fire so East German soldiers could carry out  Shiessbefehl, a 1960 order that they were to shoot anyone trying escape. Twenty-nine people were killed within the first year. As the Berlin Wall became stronger and larger, the escape attempts became more elaborately planned. Some people dug tunnels from the basements of buildings in East Berlin, under the Berlin Wall, and into West Berlin. Another group saved scraps of cloth and built a hot air balloon and flew over the Wall. Unfortunately, not all escape attempts were successful. Since the East German guards were allowed to shoot anyone nearing the eastern side without warning, there was always a chance of death in any and all escape plots. It is estimated that somewhere between 192 and 239 people died at the Berlin Wall. The 50th Victim of the Berlin Wall One of the most infamous cases of a failed attempt occurred on August 17, 1962. In the early afternoon, two 18-year-old men ran toward the Wall with the intention of scaling it. The first of the young men to reach it was successful. The second one, Peter Fechter, was not. West Berliners Protesting at Berlin Wall with pictures of Peter Fechters body. Corbis / Getty Images As he was about to scale the Wall, a border guard opened fire. Fechter continued to climb but ran out of energy just as he reached the top. He then tumbled back onto the East German side. To the shock of the world, Fechter was just left there. The East German guards did not shoot him again nor did they go to his aid. Fechter shouted in agony for nearly an hour. Once he had bled to death, East German guards carried off his body. He became the 50th person to die at the Berlin Wall and a permanent symbol of the struggle for freedom. Communism Is Dismantled The fall of the Berlin Wall happened nearly as suddenly as its rise. There had been signs that the Communist bloc was weakening, but the East German Communist leaders insisted that East Germany just needed a moderate change rather than a drastic revolution. East German citizens did not agree. Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev (1985–1991) was attempting to save his country and decided to break off from many of its satellites. As Communism began to falter in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989, new exodus points were opened to East Germans who wanted to flee to the West.   In East Germany, protests against the government were countered by threats of violence from its leader, Erich Honecker. In October 1989, Honecker was forced to resign after losing support from Gorbachev. He was replaced by Egon Krenz who decided that violence was not going to solve the countrys problems. Krenz also loosened travel restrictions from East Germany. The Fall of the Berlin Wall Suddenly, on the evening of November 9, 1989, East German government official Gà ¼nter Schabowski blundered by stating in an announcement, Permanent relocations can be done through all border checkpoints between the GDR [East Germany] into the FRG [West Germany] or West Berlin. People were in shock. Were the borders really open? East Germans tentatively approached the border and indeed found that the border guards were letting people cross. Corbis  / Getty Images Very quickly, the Berlin Wall was inundated with people from both sides. Some began chipping at the Berlin Wall with hammers and chisels. There was an impromptu and massive celebration along the Berlin Wall, with people hugging, kissing, singing, cheering, and crying. Corbis  / Getty Images The Berlin Wall was eventually chipped away into smaller pieces (some the size of a coin and others in big slabs). The pieces have become collectibles and are stored in both homes and museums. There is also now a Berlin Wall Memorial at the site on Bernauer Strasse. Luis Davilla / Getty Images After the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on October 3, 1990.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Art and gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art and gender - Assignment Example Men are depicted to be more aggressive and adventurous than women. Conversely, women are portrayed as more affectionate and nurturing (Bar-on et al, 2001). They are also ‘sex objects’; they are shown wearing skimpy clothing most of the times and tend to be pursued sexually more often than men. The message also emphasizes the physical appearance of the women, depicting them as passive and seekers for men attention. These views are consistent with Kalof research findings (Bar-on 191-194). Notably these are not the only images of gender roles young men and women are exposed to while enjoying the visual entertainments. Music video No More Drama by Mary J. Blige tries to depict women in a more empowering manner. The gender stereotypes images shown does not necessarily affect different views by both male and women. Kalof study involved young, educated white college students; thus this result does not apply to other racial groups, social classes or people with less education. In addition Kalof (378-385) study focused to prove if sexual images on videos affected people based on their gender. However, in her article she refers to the participants as women or men, which are terms used to describe one’s biological sex rather than male and female. In light of this indistinctness one’s biological sex can probably be the link to one’s sexual attitudes and not the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Principles of Economics Gross Domestic Product Essay

Principles of Economics Gross Domestic Product - Essay Example During the base year nominal and real GDP are equal. Therefore real GDP reflects both prices and quantities of goods and services produced by an economy, whereas nominal GDP reflects the produced quantities only. GDP does not reflect accurately the nation's productivity. There are products that GDP excludes, because it is difficult to measure them. For one thing, GDP includes all items produced and sold legally in the market. This means that products that are produced and sold illegally cannot be traced and measured by the GDP. Additionally, GDP does not include products and services that are actually produced by households but never enter the market. These are, for example, home grown fruit or vegetables that are used within the households that cultivate them. Also, GDP excludes other immeasurable variables like the quality of the environment or leisure time and does not reflect the distribution of income within an economy.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Observations at Roosevelt middle school Essay Example for Free

Observations at Roosevelt middle school Essay I observe at Roosevelt Middle School, which is in River Forest, in Mrs. Brauns sixth grade English class on Tuesdays in the morning. As I have observed, I have noticed that the classroom is student-centered. During computer time, Mrs. Braun focused more on helping the students get into the computer program to start the assignment than on having enough time to get the assignment done. Several times, Mrs. Braun gave helpful comments on how to do things on the computer or in the program, such as how to install automatic spell check. Mrs. Braun was also very patient as she was being asked questions while she was trying to explain the assignment. From what I saw, some students were getting bored, though, while the assignment was being explained and started whispering to each other. However, the whispering did stop when the students had to get started on the assignment. I have also observed that there seems to be a strong set of rules in place in Mrs. Brauns classroom. This is evident through some of Mrs. Brauns subtle, and not-so-subtle, reminders. For example, she gently made an example of a student by pointing out that his decorated pen (with a silly topper on it) was not allowed in class if it was going to be played and not used. She made a general statement that all pens similar to it are not welcomed is they are going to be played with. Overall, the students follow the rules very well, and there have not been any severe disruptions. There has only been whispering occasionally, but it stopped when Mrs. Braun asked. Disciplinary strategies seem to be in place as well, although I have not seen any discipline used while I have been observing the class. There is even a routine in place in the classroom for each period. During period one, first of all, old assignments are collected by Mrs. Braun, and then vocabulary is covered. Then a vocabulary assignment is given with any other new assignments on what is being cover in class. Next the teacher reads or goes over any assigned readings from the book that is being covered in class. This is the same basic routine for period two. The third period is computer time and the routine seems to vary. There is a quick transition from activity to activity during these routines. The classroom environment is that of a basic classroom setting. There are some decorations and other things hanging on the wall. Among the decorations is a hand-made calendar on the wall by Mrs. Brauns desk. There is a history of each students last name on the wall on the other side of Mrs. Brauns desk. There seems to be a controlled temperature and lighting in the classroom and they are set at an adequate setting. The room is arranged with five groups of desks in a circular type shape. In the middle of the room is a cart where new assignments are put and reading journals are kept. There are different locations throughout the room for different supplies. With the layout of the room, it seems there is adequate space to move around and do in-class activities. The physical space also seems conducive to teaching and learning. The physical space, including seating and grouping arrangements, seems to enhance cooperation and learning because there seems to be fewer distractions around them. There seems to be fewer distractions because the students have less people to talk to than if they were seated in rows, though they may still be tempted to talk. This classroom seems to function well as a total environment through its layout. I have observed many things in my first two observations in Mrs. Brauns class. The students do a lot of in-seat assignments, such as handouts. There seems to be a few good projects being done but they are done mostly outside of class. I feel that some time should be spent in class working on the projects, even if it is 10-15 minutes. The layout seems like both a good idea and a bad idea. It seems like a good idea because if one student gets stuck on something, there are others around to help. It seems to be a bad idea, though, because of what I stated before, there is still the temptation for the students to talk when they are not suppose to and distract each other. The only implication I have is that it seems that some old methods are hard to leave behind, such as busy work (hand outs), for more interactive methods (interaction with each other).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

We All Must Take Responsibility :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

We All Must Take Responsibility "She is a really responsible person." "He doesn't take responsibility for his actions." "She was responsible for the accident." How many times have we heard statements similar to these? A definition of responsible might be accountable, reliable, dependable, or trustworthy. Based on my observations and experiences, I believe many people have a problem translating that into their everyday lives. If something bad happens, it must be someone else's fault, or someone should have to pay. A few months ago, I was involved in my first car accident. I think it's pretty remarkable that this was my first accident, considering that I've been driving for almost thirty years. The accident itself was pretty traumatic. I was at a complete stop behind two cars that were turning left, when a large van traveling at about thirty-five mph rear-ended my car. I was fortunate to escape with only some large bruises and a very sore knee; however, the car didn't fare quite as well. What was more amazing than the accident itself were the actions of the young man who ran into my car. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he lied to the police and to his insurance company about the events that took place. His version was that he was driving behind me when I ran into the car in front of me, then bounced back into his van. Perhaps if he'd had more time he might have been able to concoct a more credible story, one that actually made sense. In the end, the police and his insurance company saw through his lies and everything was taken care of. But in the meantime, my car was towed away and I was left with no car. What's amazing to me is that he never got out of his van to see if anyone was injured, and he never apologized for smashing two cars and causing me the inconvenience of being without a car for five weeks while the damage was repaired. Several months ago, there was a tragic fire near the Quad Cities. Unfortunately, two young children lost their lives when one of them started a fire in their apartment.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Artists and Self Portraits

Why would someone take the time to create a work of art that merely resembles themselves? To answer this, one must understand the famous artists of the past, both visual and literary. When analyzing a self- portrait, one notices that it often goes beyond the visual characteristics of the author. Minute details that can be easily overlooked frequently delve into the artist's personality and can sometimes make the viewer look deeper Into themselves. To answer the why of self-portraiture, one must understand the how.By comparing the tertiary elements of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce, to the artistic techniques utilized by legendary artists In their self-portraits, one learns the reason of why someone would create a portrait of themselves. When making a self-portrait, It takes much more than simply looking In the mirror and copying what one sees either In text or through art. To make a self-portrait, the artist must look Into themselves and select their most Impor tant qualities that they want to show to the world. Jockey's original version of Portrait of the Artist as a YoungMan, known as Stephen Hero, was comprised of over nine hundred pages and his siblings were major characters. In the revision that made it his portrait, he decided to get rid of a few hundred of those pages and to focus exclusively on the psychological growth of his alter ego, Stephen Deals. While it must have been difficult for Joyce to completely take out a majority of his work from the published product, the more precise version gave readers a true sense of Joyce and what moments in his life affected his process of growth from a young poet to an accomplished writer.The selective process is one of the most important elements of elf-portraiture. Another important aspect of self-portraits is the use of color; in literary portraits, the use of diction. The best way to describe the importance of the two was explained by Vincent van Gogh, â€Å"Instead of trying to reproduc e exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily, in order to express myself, more forcefully. † Van Gogh understood the importance of colors and how they can affect the overall message off self-portrait.In a portrait that he painted right after being admitted Into a psychiatric hospital (image 1), the background is dark blue and his shirt Is almost the same color. Because the shirt does not have a definite outline, It gives the Illusion that he is fading into the dark abyss of the background. After spending more time In the hospital, he painted another portrait (Image 2). Even though the actual Image of him is almost identical to the previous portrait, It evokes a completely different set of emotions because of the lighter colors he used.The light blue tones make the painting feel relaxed and calm whereas In the previous painting, the dark color makes It feel ominous and depressing. Van Sago's quote can also be applied Joey's writing. In the years after Step hens childhood, he never Just states what Is going on In the world around him; his Dalton and perspective always affect It. The Dalton he uses not only describes his surroundings, but It describes him as well. HIS choice of diction gives the reader Insight Into his personality and his opinion without directly stating it. When talking about prostitutes, he has two very different views.In rebellion, his encounter with the prostitute is very emotional and almost loving. He refers to her as â€Å"a young woman dressed in a long pink gown† and uses phrases like warm and lighthouse,† â€Å"embraced him gaily,† and â€Å"tears of Joy and relief shone in his delighted eyes† to show his happiness and comfort in the presence of the woman. In the third chapter, when Stephen is beginning to close himself off emotionally, he calls prostitutes â€Å"whore's† and describes them using words like â€Å"squalid,† â€Å"yawning lazily,† and â€Å"cluste rs of hair† which accentuates his hardened opinion towards them.Easily overlooked, the use of color and diction changes the overall meaning of self-portraits by conveying feelings that otherwise would have been missed. In addition to color ND diction, small details are another vastly important aspect of portraiture that usually go unnoticed. An artist who understood how small details could express personality and advertise oneself was Judith Leister. She knew how to make people feel as if they knew her when they looked at her portrait.Her self-portrait emphasizes the importance of small details and what they can add to the message of the final product. In her portrait (image 3), her posture alone says many things about her personality. She is leaning back with her elbow on the chair facing towards the ewer which shows that she is confident in what she is doing and takes pride in her work, eager to show it off to any who interrupt her when she is at work. Her facial expression shows that she is happy, outspoken, and has a warm, welcoming attitude towards people.The other miniscule details that she included in her portrait may have been a clever form of self-promotion. The painting she is working on in the picture is of a man playing the violin; she was known for painting lively, happy scenes so by having it in her self-portrait, she is saying that painting these scenes is an important part of her. She is holding eighteen brushes in one hand which shows that she is a talented artist and the clothes that she painted herself in show that she is wealthy and successful.These details could be used to entice potential patrons to hire her because by seeing her portrait, they believe that she is a talented artist who is confident in her work. Like Leister, James Joyce also understood the weight that small details carry. When describing people, Stephen only gives the person's description and actions; he never gives his actual opinions of them. The details that e in cludes shows what stood out to him in the moment and which features of the person were the most important. One character that Joyce gives a personality to through details is Vincent Heron.Heron and Stephen had been competing in school for as long as the two can remember yet Joyce never outright says Stephens opinion of him- it is blatantly stated through the details that are included. The first thing that Heron says is â€Å"Noble Deals' in a high throaty voice. † He then lets out a â€Å"soft peal of mirthless laughter,† and brandishes his cane. Beside him, he has an intimidating yet intelligent friend who agrees with everything Heron says. From these few details, much can be said about what Stephen feels is Heron's personality.From the way laughs and the fact that he carries a cane with him, it is obvious that he is arrogant and believes himself to be better than those around him. It also shows that Heron is a powerful manipulator. His fake laugh, the way he addresse s Stephen and the fact that a more powerful man is his inferior shows that he knows how to interact with people in a way that results in him always having the upper hand in a situation. Small details can have on self-portraits. In addition to these elements of self- portraiture, motifs are significant as well. Might not a painter's choice of lines and colors give an indication of his character, whether it is noble or common? † Paul Gauguin believed that the way in which a person makes their portrait says the most about them. In his Self-portrait from 1889 (image 4), he paints himself among many different symbols. The halo above his head symbolizes him as almost being an angelic figure yet he is holding the snake of temptation between his fingers. He is also within reach of the apples of the Tree of Knowledge which means that when he as painting this, there was a temptation that he had to refrain from.The fact that he only painted his head in the portrait may symbolize that he felt lost in this battle of good and evil and that he felt out of control. The bright red of the background also adds to the chaotic feeling. By painting himself interacting with all of these symbols, it may be his way of conveying his battle between good and evil into a portrait. His painting of the motif showed that he felt there was a hectic struggle going on in his life that affected how he saw himself. Joyce also put emphasis on the power of outfits.In Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, a major motif that is applied throughout the story is that of temperature. When Stephen was happy and comfortable, Joyce did not have to say it; he made a reference to something that was warm that was a signal of Stephens happiness. When Stephen was depressed and felt lost, something about the situation felt cold. While at Clones, a boarding school that he hated, he always felt cold and uncomfortable and when he thought of being at home to comfort himself, he would feel a wave of warmth wash over him.The motifs that artists use to further their self-portraits often elevate them to a level that takes deep comprehension to understand. So why would one choose to make a self-portrait? Some may say that self-portraiture is a selfish act; merely a way for one to immortality themselves, a way to have a representation on earth long after they are gone. However, James Joyce describes how his self-portrait came to be the best, â€Å"Think you're escaping and run into yourself. † When Joyce first started to write Stephen Hero, he was attempting to distance himself from his embarrassing, poetic sat.Yet as he began to put more into the work, he began to delve deeper into himself, realizing what made him the man he was and what he contributed to the world around him. Self-portraits force the artist to embark on a Journey of self- discovery. They make it possible for the artist to warp the person that the outside world sees into the person that they see themselves as or the pe rson they wish to be. While self-portraiture may have selfish results, the process of creating a self-portrait is the artist's way of understanding themselves, inside and out.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss the ways in which women’s domestic role

Beginning in the home, a woman's role is socially constructed from an early age. A woman's role models are traditionally her parents and many women naturally follow in their mothers footsteps. However, this can often work In reverse and women of whose mothers stayed at home In a domestic care role then go on to carve careers for themselves. Although these days women do have careers they are still socially seen as the homemaker regardless of this.A woman's domestic role is often run alongside other work and a great number of women choose careers which are care eased. The sexual division of labor is at the heart of gender inequality, which is underpinned by the patriarchal family structure where the man Is the highest authority and sole provider and there Is a rolled dolls of tasks and responsibilities, all of which have been regulated by social norms that have become constructed and ingrained over time. Florence Nightingale was a great influence in creating the nursing/caring role.She acknowledged that a great number of women naturally progressed into care roles and so she introduced the role of a nurse yet it was not a consider profession at this point Medical stations in the Crimean war were poorly staffed with awful medical and sanitary conditions. This was reported by the media In Britain. Florence Nightingale, one of 38 voluntary nurses traveled to Turkey to help relieve the situation. Nightingale worked towards improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and activity for the patients of the hospitals.Death rates were reduced dramatically with the introduction of such measures. Nightingale kept meticulous records of the number of deaths, and the causes of deaths, so that on her return to Great Britain she could Justify the need for Improving conditions In hospitals. Criticisms of Florence Nightingale have been that she created a female occupation, excluding males based around her view that women were naturally caring and naturally gifted at looking after people. This only emphasized ‘female virtues' especially in the media as they made this her main point even though there was much more to her than Just this point. As a result of what she did the beliefs of the male professionals were further supported. Those beliefs being that women are innate males in the workforce and the nursing role was stereotyped as a role which only women performed bringing with It the stereotype which we still hold today. Even now, with many more men taking on the role of the nurse we seem to find this unusual and sometimes quite a surprise.During this time the education system excluded women from the ability to gain scientific knowledge and the medical profession denied access to women who actually had managed to gain education. After Florence Nightingale, Ethel Bedford Fenwick (who is she) said that by 1901 , although we had moved on from the workhouses there was still no professional nurses in Britain and campaigned for a nationally recognized training sys tem to create an actual nursing ‘profession' This era was such named the era of the ministering angel' She worked to elevate nursing from the time of Florence Nightingale.During much of the 20th Century there was little progress with the imbalance of male to female care professions, even with the introduction of the INS women still made up the majority of the workforce in the INS with the male professions making up the majority of top rank Jobs, such as surgeons and insulates, much higher paid, recognized and respected professions. Domestic service of all kinds was the single largest employer of women (40 per cent of female occupations stated in the census of 1851 in provincial cities and 50 per cent in London).The textile and clothing sectors came a close second (http:// www. BBC. Co. UK/history/British/Victorians/women's_work_OLL . SHTML) A greater number of women than men choose Job roles in the care industry. Ann Oakley refers to this as being the influence of gender oscil lation and the women's domestic role in the home throughout history. This fact adds to the divide between men and women in the health and social care sector with statistics showing that in 2010 for an example, women made up 74% of the workforce in the INS and men only 26%.Even the most educated women earn less than men, women generally receive a lower return on their education and workplace discrimination against women is reflected in pay irrespective of educational level. In 2009 the BAM report was released, highlighting the inequality in male and female salaries within the health care industry. An average gap of El 5,245 between men and women in the same reversions. â€Å"Our results show that men and women with identical experience and expertise are paid differently – which suggests evidence of discrimination† (BAM 2009) It seems women are discriminated against due to her weakness in her ability to move.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Juvenile Justice in Australiaa essays

Juvenile Justice in Australiaa essays The Juvenile Justice Act 1992 (QLD) defines a juvenile as a young person under the age of 17 years. It maintains that a child under the age of 10 years is not considered criminally responsible, and is incapable of forming 'criminal intent'. Similarly, a child under the age of 14 years is not considered criminally responsible, unless it is proven that the child understood the offence was morally wrong. The extent of Police Powers over juveniles, the efficiency of the juvenile justice system, and possible solutions to the problems arising from these systems, need to be addressed in order to reduce the high rate of youth crime. Queensland police have insufficient powers over juveniles, due to the introduction of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act, which commenced on 6th April 1998. Police have the authority to stop a juvenile, search, question and detain them for questioning without arrest if the officer reasonably believes that juvenile was or will be involved in criminal activity. Cautions can be issued to juveniles as an informal means of addressing a matter, as arrests are only encouraged in exceptional cases. Police can question, fingerprint, photograph and take bodily samples from a juvenile, on the condition that a parent or guardian is present. All other police procedures involving juveniles are uniform to those of adults. The current juvenile justice system is ineffective in dealing with young offenders. For a simple offence such as stealing, the most a child can expect as a means of punishment is a caution, which is not revealed in a further court action concerning the child, or a good behaviour order. It is thought that punishments such as these do little in preventing juveniles from reoffending. The Queensland Police Service Statistical Review for 1996-7 revels that 25% of all offences, 66% of break and enters, 61% of motor vehicle thefts, 44% of robberies and 41% of stealing offences ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Avoid these Overused Resume Phrases

Avoid these Overused Resume Phrases Avoid these Overused Resume Phrases The goal of every resume is to provide a brief and comprehensive summary of your job history and skills while leaving a lasting impression on the recruiter. Since companies receive dozens of resumes per hiring season, employers who are assigned to sort through these documents encounter repetitive phrases which render the submission clichà ©. Several online resources provide a list of key phrases to avoid when writing a resume. While helpful, sometimes these phrases provide the opportunity to share something valuable. Instead of deleting these phrases altogether, rewrite them in a way that makes your resume stand out, and provide concrete examples of your work experience. Here are some commonly used phrases from resumes and suggestions to rewrite them: â€Å"Works well independently† Most of the time, this phrase is used as a crutch (and is usually part of a bullet list). Instead of focusing on the trait alone, provide an example that showcases your independent nature. Example: â€Å"In 2010, I launched my own website focusing on providing young adult readers with tips and tricks to save money.† This statement showcases your skill, experience, and knowledge while providing a concrete example to the reader. â€Å"A great team player† Teamwork is important is crucial in any workplace to meet company goals, but this phrase does not impress. Instead, share events that showcase you and your former team’s participation or achievement.Example: â€Å"Volunteered with colleagues and organized a 2011 fundraiser.† â€Å"Results driven† Results usually require quantitative data. To avoid this ambiguous claim, write about strategies you implemented which resulted in a percentage of change.Example: â€Å"Reduced the percentage of tardy employees by 10% by implementing an incentive and penalty policy to encourage them to be on time.† â€Å"Good communication skills† Communication skills are important, but this is another example of a broad statement. In this case, provide an example showing how your skills were put to good use.Example: â€Å"Prepared and presented a slideshow to job applicants attending the 2010 job fair in Springfield.† â€Å"Strong attention to detail† It pays to be meticulous with details but it’s even better when other examples are provided.Example: â€Å"I have considerable experience editing articles for an SEO company.† If you rewrite overused phrases and provide concrete examples of your success, potential employers are more likely to schedule an interview with you. Your new resume offers a concise summary of your knowledge, skills, and experience while helping you stand out from the rest of the applicants. hires a team of talented writers who have considerable experience in writing, editing, and/or proofreading resumes while providing key phrases that impress employers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Teachings of Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Teachings of Islam - Research Paper Example Islam is just another monotheistic religion like Judaism and Christianity and like them preaches the oneness of God whom the Muslims call Allah. There are differences present in the practices but Islam in originality is a peaceful religion and it is the practice of the few which has gotten it labeled as a terrorist, violent or extremist religion. The basic beliefs and tenets of Islam The main belief of Islam lies in monotheism. Islam's fundamental belief is that God is one and Mohammad is His messenger. This belief can be elaborated by believing that God is one and supreme, unique, all encompassing and powerful. The second belief lies in the prophet hood of prophet Mohammad who initiated the religion in 610 A.D. Their belief relative to prophets is that prophets are human being sent for the guidance and showing the right path. Also that out of many prophets sent by God Mohammad is the last prophet. Thus Islam acknowledges the presence and the prophet hood of Jew and Christian prophet s like Jesus, Moses etc and their names are mentioned in the holy book of Muslims, the Quran. The third belief of Islam states that God sent Holy books of which Quran is meant to be for eternal guidance and all other books are negated by the revelation of Quran. The fourth belief lies in angels who are pure non-human beings performing divine jobs and the last belief lies in resurrection and the day of judgment. This day of judgment, according to Muslim beliefs will be the day when all actions will be weighed and decision regarding heavens or hell will be made. (Alhoda, 2001) There are five basic tenets of Islam of which the first and the foremost is belief in God with all his attributes and attributing no other partners with him. The second is saying prayers five times a day and men gathering in the mosque for Friday afternoon prayers. The third is fasting from dawn to duck in the Holy month of Ramadan (Muslims follow the lunar calendar) and the fourth is giving a fixed percentage o f wealth in the path of God to the poor and the needy. The last is performing pilgrimage to Mecca once in the lifetime for all those who can afford to do so. (Devera) Islam and Muslims in the U.S Muslims entered the United States as Moriscoes who accompanied Columbus when the continent was first discovered. These were followed by slaves who were brought to work in the US and the waves of migrations increased the number of Muslims (Kabourra). In the U.S. today there are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States out of which African-Americans are predominant. It is the fastest growing faith in the United States (A brief history of islam in the United states) and mosques, Islamic centers and Islamic schools are found in every Muslim community. Regional and national conferences of Muslims are held and issues of common concern are streamlined. Muslims in the USA are allowed to freely practice their religion and MSA's (Muslim Students Association) are present and active in all coll eges and universities. A survey reports that there are 1000 mosques, 400 Islamic schools, 400 associations and over 80 Islamic publications in the US. (A brief history of islam in the United states). Thus Muslims in the United States can practice their religion more freely than a few Islamic countries for example like Turkey where the headscarf is banned or like Egypt or Morocco where being extremely devout is often